What is LED strip light?

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What is LED strip light?

LED strip light is a type of light fixture made of LED (Light Emitting Diode). The light strip is typically flexible and can be cut to be different length, making it easy to use for a variety of lighting needs. The LED light sources generate little heat to touch and can save on energy costs compared to incandescent bulbs, not to mention they can last for years. It also emits a pure white light that is closer to natural sunlight than any other manufactured light source. Usually LED strip is available in different colors, including red, blue, green and orange, etc.
Most LED strip lights are flexible, allowing them to be wrapped and adapted to a variety of conditions. Many people use LED connector to adorn their cars for a special effect with solderless connector. For example, LED strips may be wrapped around the car's grill or placed in the front dash. Some drivers also wrap them around the wheel well or attach them to the underside of the car. LED strip can be easily cut, or several strips may be linked together, using the LED strip connector, to adapt to a particular space.
Another application for LED strip light is to illuminate and decorate a yard. The LED strip can be wrapped around the spokes of an umbrella to provide soft light for a patio table. LED strips can also be wrapped between deck railings for an effect similar to holiday lights, but it's important to choose waterproof strips for outdoor applications. Indoor LED strip has many uses inside the house. Usually they are installed above or below kitchen cabinets to provide mood or task lighting, contributing little heat to this already warm space. LED strip can also provide lighting for a home office space in place of a hot incandescent light.

Edit: Staff of Shenzhen Masterlite (MTL) Co., Ltd